Sunday, December 8, 2013

DISCLAIMER for Recipes

Follow me as I explore my kitchen!
The recipes I include are a way for me to share how I’ve figured out how to make and eat good food. And I’ll throw this out there for anyone who attempts any recipes I post:
First, I like to adapt things. I look at recipes and add/take out whatever I want. I also have tons of printed recipes and no idea where they came from. I will try my best to give credit where credit’s due. That said, you’ll probably find recipes similar to some of mine on other websites. If you feel I’ve copied your recipe without giving you proper credit, PLEASE email me and let me know so I can fix my mistake. 
Second, I HATE measuring. It’s extra time, extra dishes, extra thinking. I throw stuff together and hope for the best. Same goes for timers. When my husband asks how long something should cook for, my response is generally “until it looks done.” (Unless it’s meat, then I pull out the thermometer!) Sure, this creates kitchen nightmares sometimes. And it means that I never truly make the same dish twice. For you, it means that following my recipes EXACTLY may or may not give you nummy results.
Third, COOKING IS ART. Explore ingredients like you’d explore new paint colors. Learn what goes together by putting it together. Turn up some music. Love your kitchen. Make mistakes. Get messy.

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